Monday, 14 May 2007

Parish Councillor

Readers will remember that I said, in public at a PC meeting that I would stand for the Parish Council. Well, I felt that as I had made such a fuss about the rec that I ought to do so and put my money where my mouth is.

I stood for election and am now a Parish Councillor. But, what this means is that I can not continue to run this site. Why? Because Parish Councillors are supposed to be neutral and not to represent political party or other vested interests. Our job is to represent all interests in the parish, so that means I have to be mindful of the fact that there may be parishoners who are perfectly happy to see the rec built on for whatever reason, should it come to that.

So, here's the deal:

1. The PC should have its own website within a short time - I'm told a few months which will, I hope improve communcations between it and the residents.
2. My contact details will be on the site and I hope that we will have a email address. In the meantime I can be emailed at The council's email address is
3. If there is a Linchmere or other resident who would like to take over this site or set up a similar one please go for it.
4. I support the view that building on the rec would be extraordinarily damaging for our community and I believe this is the view of the parish council. If you think otherwise please let the PC know.
5. You might want to know that - as reported to the last PC meeting, Chichester District Council has decided that it can't publish the results of the 'informal consultation' until October - way beyond the original timetable.