Monday, 26 February 2007

Good Stuff

Hallo All,

I've been away for a few days - rule 1, no computers. Here's a copy of an email reply I received from the National Trust...

Thank you for contacting us about the proposal to allocate this site for housing. We monitor the preparation of Local Development Frameworks by all the various planning authorities and were aware of this one. We will be sending in our objection to this site and comments on a number of others in the district.
Once again thank you for contacting us.
Kind Regards
Jane Arnott
Land Use Planning Adviser - South East Region

On my comments about the 'Lantern' which provoked a response. I absolutely agree that we don't need to be a divided community, but if we are to respond effectively to the CDC proposals then it means reaching out from all sides. Our colleagues in faith have not come forward to object in any clear and up front way. So let's hear it from the faith community. What do you think of these proposals? Can you suggest an alternative to the proposed (possible) destruction of the rec? How do you think it will impact on the spiritual life of the village? If you have a view then let it be known to the district council - and let us know you're in there too.

I've had a preview of the Parish Council's response to the proposal to build on the rec AND Sturt Rd which I will put on to this blog shortly. It's not bad at all, quite robust and detailed and thoughtful.

Yes, we've had some good coverage in the local press, both about this blog (which is the hook) but also well done to Philippa Topham who got a cracking letter in to the Haslemere Herald in the lead spot. I have been in touch with a PR company I use for other business who have given some good suggestions for a campaign. My feeling is that we should pitch up to the parish council meeting to hear formally their response (6th March, same time and venue as the last one) and then decide what, if any kind of campaign we need to organise and mount. We need to bear in mind that we don't yet know when the CDC will get round to considering the response (I'm learning about this stuff as we go) and I think a good campaign over the next few weeks/months might have some influence. PC response to come soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good one. Would be good to see some leadership from the church.