Monday, 5 February 2007

Parish Council Meeting

Here's a picture of a joyful dog on the access road to the rec.

The PC meeting is at St Michael's Hall Hammer, Tuesday 8pm. That's the hall next to the Hardman Hoyle. The meetings apparently go on for a long time but the Rec is to be dealt with under correspondence. This is because the PC has to respond to the District Council's request for informal consultation feedback. I understand that it will be dealt with reasonably early in the agenda.

The public are allowed to attend meetings but not to speak. Which in one way is ok because it would be a complete free-for-all and therefore chaos. On the other hand I think we need a bloody good public meeting at which everyone can speak and we can INTSRUCT our representatives on our views. However, the PC do allow a brief period at the end of meetings for the public to speak.

The PC intends to take a robust response to the proposals to wreck the rec, along the lines many of us have already thought, but it would be much better if they did so having undertaken a meaningfull poll of resident's views. Well, that's what I think anyway.


Anonymous said...

It was an extremely good meeting with the Parish Council and gave us hope that something can be done. However, the pressing need is to make sure that all people in Haslemere (including Surrey addresses) have information about this and that it is made easy for them to write to Chichester District Council. I therefore propose that we make a poster along the following lines which can be printed on A5 paper and dropped through letter boxes by an army of volunteers - I know at least 10 people who would do this - alternatively the existing Lantern distributors might oblige, at least for West Sussex addresses.I think this should have an eye-catching title e.g. 'Don't Wreck Our Rec' and list possible reasons they might want to list in an objection, with an address to post to or e-mail. And a footnote - 'if you do nothing else please write, phone or e-mail' before March 2nd.
I am also writing to the Parish Council along the same lines. And also Heather Caird to suggest that information is clearly displayed
in all schools, libraries, hospitals, shops (in Haslemere in general) and also a leaflet delivered to each house by postman if necessary/possible.
Any comments?

Anonymous said...

We can help distribution of letters/posters etc... village fete would be lovely. Have you seen the sledging on the rec? me and my boys were there with our metal tray, fabulous fun, all the kids were having so much fun. There were loads there, all sharing sledges, community spirit at its best.