Thursday, 1 February 2007

Time to get serious

Here's a picture of some very angry Camelsdale wildlife.
Well I went to the informal consultation yesterday, as did as many people who could and who knew about it. And this is the deal. The council's first choice for building is land by the pumping station at Sturt Rd. BUT and it's a big but, if by 2018 there are not enough new houses both built there and on other sites as they become vacant e.g. building 3 0r 4 houses where previously one had been then the rec gets it.

However, knowledge is power and we are beginning to learn more. The council acknowlegdes that there are difficulties in developing the rec. These include the risks to the adjacent National Trust Shottermill ponds from pollution and building site run-off, the fact that it is a recreation ground and there are no other alternatives and so on. Interestingly it doesn't mention (does it know?) that the rec is in fact owned by the parish council. That's' the parish council as representing us the residents.

So here's what to do. There is a parish council meeting on February 6th, I've asked for the place and time and will post, although it's probably on the notice board by the main rec gate. I'm going to go and have asked the Parish clerk to let me know if the rec is to be discussed. Anyone else coming?

Secondly I'm researching succesful objections to proposed developments - how was it done? - Who did it? Did it cost much to do? For example objectors recently knocked back proposed developments at Hindhead on the grounds that the infrastructure i.e. the roads, the Victorian sewage system couldn't take the strain. So it can be done.

A responder commented on the last post that the meetings for the informal consultation held yesterday weren't very well advertised and also that objections must be in by March 2nd, which I didn't know either. I'm also going to ask my dear daughter to design a poster for distribution through this site.

Here are the Parish Clerk's contact details - write to the Parish Council if you do nothing more!

The Clerk: Mr. D.J. Bleach
Address: Parish Council Office Village Hall, Glebe Road, Fernhurst Haslemere, Surrey, GU27 3EH
Telephone No.: 01428 661150,
Email Address:


Anonymous said...

I think it may be worth looking at the statement Paragraph 285 regarding Renewable Ebergy - this seems to directly conflict with the proposed new build. How can they suggest two completely opposing views within one document?
This might be quite useful when fighting our corner.

Anonymous said...

We have been objecting to houses going on the garden of Underwood, in School Road for a long while, one house has been allowed permission, but Mr wilson is gone to appeal for 2 semis. You can view our objections on the chichester DC's website under planning applications. I think the address is land north of 17 school road,or underwood

It may give you some ideas on how we objected to the 2 planning applications that did in fact get refused.

Drugsblogger said...

You are both right - the council's document is full of contradictions and poorly thought-out ideas.

This is my idea. The Parish Council owns the rec. We should ask our representatives to commission a consultancy to produce a report repudiating Chichester's suggestions that the rec is a possible site for building houses.

Come to the PC meeting next week!

Anonymous said...

Haslemere Town Youth FC have three girls teams who play their games at Camelsdale Rec and train in the summer months. Therefore the girls are very much dependent on the facilities provided here 12months of the year. The Club anticipates further growth of girls football in the coming seasons, all of which will need Camelsdale Rec. We need the Rec to remain as playing fields.